School Catalog

ADMISSIONS Equine Certification Program Catalogs

Equine Certification Program Catalogs

Use the equine certification program catalogs to gain a better understanding of our programs and requirements. 

Josh’s methods really work, for all the right reasons! The education of horses, riders, and trainers is ever-evolving. Josh constantly improves his techniques, making it easier for both horse and rider. He spends his days at horse training clinics, giving private instruction, and teaching at equine events. Through Lyons Legacy Equestrian Academy equine certification programs, there now exists a unique and ever-expanding platform to help you train your own horse and enable every horse person to achieve a higher level of understanding than they ever thought possible.

It’s a rare person whose life’s goal is to help others with their horses. Josh’s understanding of the horse’s mind coupled with the ability to bring out the best in both riders and horses is unrivaled. Eager to constantly refine and improve upon what he can offer, Josh continually strives to develop new and better training methods.

Josh Lyons LLC is approved and regulated by both the Colorado Department of Higher Education Private Occupational School Board and the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. Our Colorado programs are approved for the enrollment of those eligible to receive VA Education Benefits. The John & Josh Lyons Certification Program, the Josh Lyons Accreditation Program, and the 5-Day Trainers Clinic are eligible for GI Bill® Benefits