Bismarck ND Clinic horse training Horse Training Events

Organizer: Marilee Beavers
Phone: 701-557-3889

Venue: Christian Equine Stables
9861 ND-1804
Bismarck, ND 58503

Dates: July 11-13, 2025

Bismarck ND 3-Day Clinic

Auditors click HERE to register. You will pay the host the day of the event. When completing the form, input “0” into the quantity box at the end of the form to submit.

All clinics are limited to 15 participants
Must be able to work safely in a group
Current coggins/health certificate required
Be sure your horse is fit – clinics are physically challenging
Clinic include demonstrations and groundwork. There will be NO RIDING during this clinic.

July 11, 2025 – Liberty: you will learn to teach your horse to lock on to you, control inside turns, teach your horse to make you the mark and come to you. This is the foundation of Mark Training. Equipment needed: lunge whip, dressage whip, halter, long line, lead rope, and O-ring snaffle bridle.

July 12, 2025 – Mark Training: you will learn to teach your horse to associate the release with an object, teach the horse to hunt the object and stand and wait there for you. Great for creek crossings, trailer loading, really all aspects of riding. Equipment needed: 15 foot lead with nylon rope halter, safe clip, 3ft X 4ft 3/4″ plywood, lunge whip, dressage whip, and O-ring snaffle bridle.

July 13, 2025 – Groundwork: you will learn to teach ground manners, to teach your horse to respect the handler and their space, move the shoulders, rate speed, reverse arc for in hand pivot, even how to get them to pick you up at the mounting block. Equipment needed: lunge whip, dressage whip, halter, long line, lead rope, and O-ring snaffle bridle.

Start Time 9:00 AM
Lunch 12:00 – 1:30 PM
End Time 4:00 PM

Clinic participant – $900 for all 3 days; $350/day for individual days
Clinic auditor – $40/day (includes facility fee)
Outside Pen with 3 feedings of hay – $35 / horse
Wash bay access – $25 / horse
Full RV hookups only 2 available – $35
Trailer/rv power only – $20
Per Horse facility access – $25 / day
Onsite meals will also be available at additional cost

Learn more about your host in Bismarck, ND on their Facebook page!

If you are planning to participate in all three days of this clinic, fill out the registration form that is displayed below. (Please note this is a generic registration form and there will be NO RIDING during this clinic)
If you would like to choose single days, click on the button with the date you want to be taken to that registration form.

Step 1 of 7

3-Day Riders Clinic Application

During a 3-Day clinic, riders and horses will learn the foundation exercises, lessons and principles of the Lyons Method. Riders will first and foremost learn to effectively control their horse better. From trail rider to experienced competitor, all riders simply want to improve the control they have of their horses. We are here to help you take your horsemanship to the next level.

Emergency Contact Name(Required)