September is flying by and fall is upon us. Congratulations to our recent Accreditation Program graduates – Ellie Shirey, Ridge Romine, Mira Carr, Alisha Anderson, and Angel Ramirez! We are very proud to have you join our family of Lyons Legacy Trainers and wish you all success in your new careers. If you’d like to find these graduates or any of our trainers, check out our Trainers Directory.
Josh, Jana, and family have been enjoying some time at home in Arizona after a very busy summer schedule. We have met some wonderful people in our travels and are preparing for the next road trip to see old friends at Reflections Equestrian Center. This beautiful facility has hosted us many times, they always make us feel right at home. Team Lyons is very excited to be returning for both a 5-Day Trainers Clinic and 3-Day Riding Clinic! We still have room for more riders – join us for an intensive learning experience. Auditors are always welcome to get in on the fun as well.
We have added a button for All Events to our homepage to help interested riders find upcoming events. Not only are Josh’s clinics and programs listed, but you will find John Lyons events listed there as well.

For those of you enrolled in our Lyons Legacy Online Training Program – our next Zoom meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2023 at 5:00 PM MST. Don’t miss out on a great Q&A session with Josh.
