Lyons Legacy Latest – September 2023 Newsletter

September is flying by and fall is upon us. Congratulations to our recent Accreditation Program graduates – Ellie Shirey, Ridge Romine, Mira Carr, Alisha Anderson, and Angel Ramirez!  We are very proud to have you join our family of Lyons Legacy Trainers and wish you all success in your new careers. If you’d like to find these graduates or any of our trainers, check out our Trainers Directory.

Josh, Jana, and family have been enjoying some time at home in Arizona after a very busy summer schedule.  We have met some wonderful people in our travels and are preparing for the next road trip to see old friends at Reflections Equestrian Center. This beautiful facility has hosted us many times, they always make us feel right at home. Team Lyons is very excited to be returning for both a 5-Day Trainers Clinic and 3-Day Riding Clinic! We still have room for more riders – join us for an intensive learning experience.  Auditors are always welcome to get in on the fun as well.

We have added a button for All Events to our homepage to help interested riders find upcoming events.  Not only are Josh’s clinics and programs listed, but you will find John Lyons events listed there as well.

For those of you enrolled in our Lyons Legacy Online Training Program – our next Zoom meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2023 at 5:00 PM MST. Don’t miss out on a great Q&A session with Josh. 

We are blown away by how quickly our 2024 calendar filled with events! If you want to host a Josh Lyons clinic in 2025, get your requests in ASAP! Click the picture for more info or to fill out the host application.

Horse Training Events
Horse Training Events

Ready to pursue a career with horses?  Join us in 2024 to earn your certification!  We are excited to announce our Arizona programs will be held at a private facility in San Tan Valley, AZ.  We are still taking applications for these upcoming classes:

Remember, only our Colorado campus classes are eligible to receive Veterans Education Benefits. Classes are limited to just 10 students – don’t delay, enroll today!

No Better Cat – AKA Boon

no better cat

It’s not every day a horse has its own social media account – but No Better Cat (aka Boon) sure does.

The 3-year-old, red roan colt who is a son of the great Bet Hesa Cat  and raised by Purina animal nutrition has quite a following, too. Over 895 Facebook followers to be exact!

Boon has had a busy summer crisscrossing the country with trainer Josh Lyons putting on clinics and performing in horse shows.

“At Josh’s clinics he gets ridden sometimes all day yet he never skips a beat,” owner Elsabe Hausauer explains on the horse’s Facebook page. “I love that riders of all ages are riding him since he is a demo horse and he will ride according to their level, whether they are 5 years old or 80.”

Recently Boon participated with Josh Lyons in the horse’s very first reining show. The duo followed up a clinic in New Hampshire with a horse show in Pennsylvania, finishing with two second place finishes and one fourth place.


“I am missing this little dude – he is one tough little horse,” Hausauer said in a post early this summer. “He is currently travelling all over the US learning and growing … Love that he can handle the pressure mentally and physically very well! Thank you Lyons family!”

Hausauer is a North Dakota AQHA Professional Horsewoman whose lifelong passion for horses has led to her family owning a ranch and offering training services, horsemanship clinics and private lessons.

She says Boon’s easy going disposition makes him one of the easiest horses she’s ever worked with. She also plans on standing him to the public for breeding purposes in 2024 and she’s pretty excited about it, writing, “Can’t wait to see his foals and their trainability, athleticism and disposition!” Her goal was to own a stallion that is not only well bred but who is also tough physically and mentally under pressure. 

“He is beautiful and rides so nice … Josh is doing an incredible job with him, I feel truly blessed! Not only for Boon to get trained but for me to also keep growing in my horsemanship journey and learning so much from Josh along the way,” Hausauer said.

“I have truly found a friendship with Josh, Jana and their sons that will last a lifetime.”

Information about No Better Cat (Boon) , go to No Better Cat and find out more about Hausauer at

For breeding contract information, check out Boon’s page on our website!

Photography: Sheila King and Elaina Eppinger Photography
Flyer: Allyson Johannessen 

Lyons Legacy Latest – August 2023 Newsletter

The month of August has proven to be a nice change of pace for the Lyons Legacy team after spending June and July on the road.  The Josh Lyons Accreditation class started their program on August 7th at the lovely Mesa County Fairgrounds in Grand Junction, Colorado.  They will spend 4 weeks working personally with Josh, ultimately joining the family of Lyons Legacy Trainers!  Students hail from Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Missouri, Montana, and Ohio.  They are a fantastic group and we are looking forward to resuming class on Monday, September 4th.

We’d like to give a special shout out to all our host facilities for 2023:

Upcoming 3-Day clinics: Click Here

Upcoming 3-Day clinics: Click Here

Train for success – with THE BEST!

Josh and Johnny are looking to take on a few new training horses as soon as September.  One space open with Josh, two open with Johnny.  Horses receive approximately 4 hours of training per day and tons of exposure! Call Kristen at 615-379-1056 for more information.





Still accepting riders and auditors for the October clinics in Festus, MO! Click the picture to register, auditors can sign up by clicking here.



Ready to pursue a career with horses?  Join us in 2024 to earn your certification!  We are excited to announce our Arizona programs will be held at a private facility in San Tan Valley, AZ.  We are still taking applications for these upcoming classes:

Remember, only our Colorado campus classes are eligible to receive Veterans Education Benefits. Classes are limited to just 10 students – don’t delay, enroll today!



New Campus in Arizona!

The Lyons Legacy program is ever expanding to meet the needs of our clientele.  We would like to take a minute to share some exciting news!  Our team has been working behind the scenes to offer certificate programs in the state of Arizona.  It is with great excitement that we share our approval by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education.

The Board licenses and regulates 217 private postsecondary educational institutions operating vocational and degree programs. Each new license application contains 23 items that must be reviewed and approved by Staff and then the full State Board. This includes CPA prepared financial statements, certificates of insurance, surety bonds, course descriptions and faculty resumes to name a few.  On average, it takes between 180 to 240 days to process a new application.

This monumental task could not have been completed without the hard work of some key Lyons Legacy team members! Jana Lyons, Owner/SCO Director, deserves the “Lyons” share of credit as she was responsible for submitting documentation, presenting our program information to the Board, facilitating an on-site visit, and much more.  Michele Lenard, Program Consultant, was essential in creating the documents required for submission and meeting the requirements for Board approval.  Kristen Bosgraf, Office Manager, also provided resource support to the team as they prepared for submission and presentation of our program materials.

What does this mean for our students?  A new campus location for students to pursue a professional career training horses!  In 2023, the Arizona campus will offer the L2-Intermediate Professional Horseman Program January 9 – February 17.  This program, also known as the Josh Lyons Accreditation Program in Colorado, is designed for trainers and riders who are ready to take their training to the next level.  This Program will equip you with the foundation and skills to become a professional rider and trainer. It is structured to specifically target and refine the training techniques needed to go to the show pen or train higher level performance-based riders and clients.

Our students come from a diverse range of riding disciplines, including but not limited to reining, dressage, cutting, jumping, barrel racing, ranch horse versatility, ranch sorting, mounted shooting and/or extreme trail riding. The L2-Intermediate Professional Horseman Program is designed as a four-week hands on course, working personally with Josh, to obtain the skills necessary to reach your desired goals.  Classes have a maximum of 10 students, so each student gets a unique, personal experience throughout the program.

The next step for our Arizona Campus is approval to accept Veterans Benefits.  Jana, Michele, and Kristen are currently working through that process.  At this time, we are accepting applications for the upcoming L2 program for all self-pay students.  If you are ready to join the Lyons Legacy Team – contact us today!

Arizona Campus Information

Intensive Horse Training Workshops in Scottsdale, AZ!

Attending a workshop with Josh Lyons is an incredible way to improve your horsemanship and your relationship with your horse.  Workshops are designed to meet the needs of each individual rider – no student is overlooked or gets lost in a “production line”. Our small class size allows everyone to find SUCCESS!!!

During the course of  3-Day Workshops you can expect that both horse and rider will learn foundation exercises, lessons, and principals covered in the conditioned response program offered at Lyons Legacy. Riders will first and foremost learn to effectively control their horse.  No matter if you have been horseback for years or rode a horse years ago, all riders have the same common goal: to improve the level of control they have in regards to the horse they are riding.  Lyons Legacy is here to help you reach that goal and take your horsemanship to the next level.

The cost of our 3- Day Workshop is $900 per horse and rider.  Auditors (Fence sitters) are always welcome for $25 per day.

5-Day workshops are 1 Week of totally immersive hands-on instruction. The instructor will utilize the see
one, do one, and teach one training methodology. Instruction and demonstrations will be given
during the morning and afternoon sessions. The riders will then train on their horse to perform
the exercises. Small class sizes allow coaching and evaluation to build your skills in a fun,
supportive setting.

The cost of our 5- Day Workshop is $1250 per horse and rider.  Auditors (Fence sitters) are always welcome for $25 per day.

Check out our EVENTS page to find a clinic or get signed up!

Straight Talk from Students – The Accreditation Program

Troy Chappell and April Scarbrough are classmates in Josh Lyons’ accreditation program. But that’s not all they have in common.

Both have had successful careers in the past – Troy as a farmer in North Dakota, April as an active duty Marine – and both now hope to start a new career training horses and helping others in the process.

“I’ve downsized and I figured I’d retire and do something I enjoy,” Troy said. “As a farmer I had horses and I’ve done tons and tons of trail riding but as I age I want to do more than just ride – I want to teach.”

Troy, 59, said he’s helped people in the past, privately, but never as a business. That’s what he wants to change with Lyons’ help.

“This program is just the best,” he said. “Josh makes you feel like family – there’s no pressure. He really helps you tune in to what you want to do.”

One technique that sticks with him is a technique that helps the horse – and rider – let go of unwanted stress. He describes taking the horse in slow, small circles and then slowly increasing speed and moving in bigger circles.

“It raises their emotions up and down … it helps to control the horse’s emotions,” he said. “There are tons of exercises to control parts of the horse’s body – it’s kind of complex, but we break it down and put it together.

“I’m just here to better myself,” Troy said. “A horse is never really finished, and as a horseman, you never stop learning – it’s kind of a lifelong thing.”

The accreditation program is a four-week, hands on course. Trainers learn to control every aspect of a horse’s performance. The program offers targeted training techniques aimed at training higher level horses and riders.

These students say the program is about the horse, but it’s about the trainer too. They say no horseman – or horse woman – is the same – you take what works for you and leave the rest.

April retired from the marines a over a year ago. At 43, she hopes to become an equine therapeutic riding instructor.

“I looked at the qualifications for an equine therapeutic riding instructor and I realized my riding was lacking,” she said. “My brother had horses and I rode as a little girl – trail rides and wagons. As an adult I tried barrel racing and also practiced dressage. But I knew I wanted to learn more.”

She knew early on the Lyons program was different.

“I’ve learned more in two weeks than I did in all the years before,” she said. “There are definitely differing skill levels, but there’s no judgement here. I’m the least experienced but it’s no big deal.”

April wants to team up with a non-profit to help treat women suffering from trauma, specifically military sexual trauma, which refers to experiences of sexual assault or sexual harassment that a Veteran experiences during military service.

“The VA has counseling and therapy but no specific activity to get them off the couch and out of their heads.”

She also pointed to the Lyons organizations use of the GI Bill® Benefits as another factor that drew her to the Lyons program.

These benefits help qualified veterans pay for college, graduate school or training programs.

“I’ve been very grateful for that,” she said.

Giving Back to Veterans at Warrior Ranch

At the Warrior Ranch Foundation, each of the veterans – and the horses – have their own story. The Rhode Island ranch brings them together and with the help of elite horse trainers, helps them to write a new chapter.

Josh Lyons recently donated two days of his time to conduct a Warrior Ranch retreat and riding clinic.

“We are so thrilled Josh made it to Warrior Ranch,” said ranch founder Eileen Shanahan. “The Lyons horsemanship method is fantastic.” She added, “Josh has a passion for our country and the veterans.”

Josh was assisted by US Army Green Beret veteran Matt Pitt.

“I think that we have the freedom to be able to do our jobs as horsemen because of our veterans … It’s a shame they don’t always get the credit they deserve or the help that they need. So anything we can do for our veterans is huge,” Shanahan said.

Established in 2016, the non-profit seeks horses in need of rehabilitation. There are former race horses, a horse rescue, ponies with medical issues and more. Veterans of the military and first responders struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or just readjusting to civilian life, work with trainers to learn how to handle the horses, bond with them and learn how their demeanor effects that of the horses. In doing so, veterans learn to become self-aware. By recognizing their feelings and emotions they can begin to take the steps necessary to deal with them.

Veterans who have gone through the program have described it as life changing and say it helps ‘ground them.’ Their experience helps them move toward the future, better able to feel and show emotion and best of all, to help others.

The Lyons certification program and accreditation program are approved for VA Education Benefits.

Find out more about the Warrior Ranch at You can also find them on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

Are You Bridling Your Horse Correctly?

In this Certification class we took a few minutes learning a simple way to properly  bridle the horse.

It is important to not hit their teeth with the bit or to force it into their mouth, especially when introducing the bridle. Take your time! Let them slowly spit the bit out when taking the bridle off.

Remember, most bad bridling habits come from rushing the process or hitting their teeth with the bit!

Adding A Pre-Cue To The Back-up

“Adding pre-cues to backing your horse off your seat.”

Here’s a peek into classroom time during one of our 5 Day Trainers Clinics.

Be sure to check out or 2021 schedule for our upcoming clinics near you!

For those of you who prefer to stay at home to learn and train at your own pace, our step-by-step Online Training Courses and weekly Zoom meetings with Josh are absolutely perfect!

The Outside Horse

You are always riding two horses: The inside horse and the outside horse.

“Everything on the left side of the horse’s mane is controlled by your left hand, left leg, left seat. Everything on the right side of the mane is controlled by right hand, right leg, right seat.”

Cueing Your Horse


We cue our horses to do the things we want them to do, (to go forward, to go left, to go right, to change gaits, to change direction, speed transitions, to back up, etc.) but cueing them out of it is just as IMPORTANT.

Give them the responsibility of doing what you asked, until you tell them to stop.

What we don’t want is to tell them to do something and hold them there, constantly helping them do their job. it’s easy to micromanage and over-cue. Give them a job, tell them to do it and KEEP DOING the job until you tell them to stop.