If working with John Lyons is on your bucket list – 2024 is your year! John is offering several opportunities to experience his conditioned response training system first hand.
Two Week Intensive in North Carolina
It’s not a clinic with 10 riders over 4 days and greatly varied rider levels. It’s an in-depth, detailed course in effectively changing your concepts in traditional training. Spend one on one time with possibly one of the best creative thinkers in training. This course will only accept three qualified riders to participate. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate of completion in recognition of your accomplishment!
The course starts on January 5, 2024. The cost is $10,000. Stalls are included. Bedding, feed and cleaning are not included. The course will be conducted out of Michael Lyons Horsemanship facility in Randleman, NC. Cabins are available at an additional charge of $750 for the two weeks.

Did you know the following?
-40 different performance related benefits come from the hind quarters
-7 come from the shoulders
-3 come from the head, neck and mouth